8-Week Venus Sequence Study Group

Hosted by Jess Bubbico

Are you ready to experience deeper connection, ease, and fulfillment in your relationships?

From romantic relationships to friendships, family connections, work relationships, and beyond?

Love is the greatest force in the Universe.

Giving and receiving love in relationship is quite possibly one of the best feelings in the world.

Yet love and relationships can be two of the places that challenge us the most.

Why do relationships feel so difficult at times?

Is closing the heart and protecting yourself the answer?

The truth of the matter is, we all have wounds from our relationships (romantic, friendship, work, family, or otherwise) that have caused us hurt and pain. And many of us have learned to close layers of our hearts in order to avoid experiencing that pain again.

The Gene Keys Venus Sequence offers a path to reopen the deepest layers of your heart to experience deeper, liberated love and connection in all of your relationships… including the one with yourself.

The Venus Sequence is a transformative experience that invites you to look deeper at the mental and emotional patterns in your relationships that hold you back from giving and receiving love freely. This 8-week journey through the Venus Sequence will open your heart to the places where you’ve experienced hurt in the past that caused you to close your heart or believe that the love and support you desire isn’t fully possible.

Throughout this 8-week course, you will explore your unconscious patterns in love and relating that have challenged you throughout your life and learn the keys to unlock and shift these patterns to experience deeper levels of love and heart-to-heart connection. You will learn how to transform these challenging patterns to experience deeper love and connection in all of your relationships.

If you’re a human who has relationships with other humans, this work will blow your heart open and help you understand why you experience the repeated challenges in relationships that you do - and how to overcome them (think that infuriating archetype of person who keeps showing up over and over again at work, the repeated fight you get into with your child, or the challenges you experience with your family members).

If you’re single, this can be an incredible experience to shift your patterns and open to new love and relationships.

If you’re in a committed partnership, this experience can support you in opening your heart to experience deeper levels of love and connection in your relationship than you knew were possible.

Regardless of your relationship status, this class is an opportunity to heal past hurts and learn your coping mechanisms/defense patterns to experience deeper love and relating in completely new ways.

During this 8-week Study Group, you will open your heart in relationship in deeper ways than you thought possible.

Some of what we’ll dive into:

  • Releasing the unconscious fears that hold you back from experiencing the full depths of love that you desire

  • How your relationships are asking you to grow and how to recognize AND harness the opportunity when it arises in the form of a challenge

  • How to reopen your heart after it closes - this can be after a fight, a breakup, or anything in between. You’ll discover your code to return back to an open, receptive, loving heart

  • Your core wounding patterns in relationships that make love difficult to give and receive and how to transcend them

  • Your mental and emotional defense patterns that try to protect you from hurt but actually close you down to love - and how to shift out of them into deeper connection with the self and other

  • How to view every relationship as a teacher and receive the lessons vs continuing to repeat the same patterns over and over again

The Details:

  • This group experience is 8-weeks long with 8 live classes that meet weekly

  • Class will be held on WEDNESDAYS from 6-8 PM EST beginning Wednesday, May 15 (Live class dates: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3)

  • There will also be a special BONUS transformational breathwork experience to crack your beautiful heart wide open.

Plus, if you register by Thursday, May 9- you’ll get a bonus 30-minute 1:1 Human Design & Gene Keys Session with me!

  • “I'm not sure there is anyone I'd rather be guided through the Gene Keys by! Jess is an expert guide that brings so much heart, wisdom and thoughtfulness to the Gene Keys sequences. Her love for this work truly shines through! She creates the perfect container for contemplation and growth -- and has a way of calling in the perfect group of people -- reminding us that we can't 'do' our Gene Keys, but must allow their magic to gently unfold within us. Her depth of knowledge combined with her personal experience and contemplation is so valuable in helping others to come to a place of personal understanding, regardless of where they are in their journey. Our work in the Gene Keys reminds us that we are all on different parts of the spectrum when we contemplate, or re-contemplate, a particular sphere. Jess deftly meets people where they are in the moment -- giving them a reminder of how far they've already come along with a glimpse of what's possible if they allow this work to continue opening them up to what's possible!”

    • Amanda F.

  • “It was wonderful to continue on the Golden Path (working backwards in my very Manifesting Generator way) with Jess as my initiator. I loved reuniting with study group members from the Prosperity Sequence as well as getting to know new people. I'm hoping I will see some of my study group members in the upcoming Activation Sequence Study Group. It was a magical experience that cracked me open and allowed me to be vulnerable, exposing my wounds and encouraging me to gently allow for my consciousness to expand in love and acceptance.”

    • Adrienne Mette

  • “This study group was so profound - the people that Jess brings together are full of wisdom and love and there was a sacred bond formed over these last few months. It was an amazingly safe and exciting place to unfold the transmission of the gene keys with the support and laughter and containers of other women on their higher self journeys. After weeks of contemplation and connection with the group I feel grounded and reaffirmed in the divine timing of everything and my ability to access source energy love from within.”

    • Samantha Shaibani

  • “Jess created a safe, intimate and loving container for growth, love, connection and expansion. Each part of the study group- from the Facebook group to the live zooms and breakout rooms- plus offering integration tools such as psych-k and breathwork- brought the group closer and helped each of us integrate in our own unique ways at our own time. I am so very grateful to have spent the past 12 weeks with these special individuals and can't wait until we can reunite again! Thank you Jess!!”

    • Rachel W.

  • “I can’t express enough gratitude for the guidance and fellowship traveling the Venus Stream with Jess. Her ability to create a container and space for contemplation and practical guidance along with heartfelt sharing of her own personal experiences with Gene Keys wisdom was truly amazing!”

    • Ken W.


(Ends May 9th)

Tuition for Individuals

(Until 5/9 then the price goes up to $667 pay in full or $334 for the 2 part payment plan)

2 Part Payment Plan ($277.50 x 2)

Pay In Full ($555)

Early Bird Tuition for Couples

(until 5/9 then price goes up to $1334 pay in full or $667 2 part payment plan)

Pay In Full ($997)

2 Part Payment Plan ($498 x 2)

Doors close Monday, May 13!